Muzaffar Salman, photographe

Né à Homs en 1976, Muzaffar Salman est photographe à l’agence Associated Press et à Reuters. Il se rend régulièrement en Syrie pour couvrir l’actualité. Depuis le début de la révolution, ses images imprègnent de poésie et d’espoir les situations les plus désespérées. Sa dernière exposition, Alep, année zéro, s’est tenue à Paris, à  l’Institut des Cultures d’Islam  et à la Maison des Journalistes.

Muzaffar Salman ,  was born in Homs in 1976. He received a diploma in Photography from the International Craft Center in Homs in 2003. He also received in 2003 a « certificate of expertise » in archeological renovation from Warsaw university- Palmyra. In 2006 he won the first award in « Crossing Glances » Competition for photography in Rome, Italy. He took part in the collective exhibition organized by the same « Competition » in 2006-2007 in Rome, and most Mediterranean countries (Syria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunis, Algeria, Turkey), in addition to Brussels.  He held an individual exhibition (Punctum) at Goethe Institute (The German Cultural Center) in Damascus between March 12 and April 18, 2010.  

individual exhibition in Copenhagen – March-2013

At present, he works as a photographer –, for the REUTERS.

And for the Associated Press for two yers (2011-2012).

He was awarded « al-Mawred al-Thaqafi » grant for the year 2010 to print and publish his book of pictures (My Fingers cannot help but refer to butterflies).      

Collective exhibition in Bordeaux France ( L’Art en marche – Artistes syriens d’aujourd’hui)   January 24 – February 12 / 2015 .

Collectibles: the British Museum in London/ 2015.

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